Body Building – Legs/Glutes – Day 54

Day 54


My glutes are already sore from last nights workout. I made sure to squeeze my glutes HARD during the barbell glute bridges.

50 lbs. wasn’t enough to make me feel challenged at rep 8. I could have done 50 reps with 50 lbs.  I still believe squats and deadlifts are the best mass builders, but you can activate the glutes and squeeze hard doing the Barbell Glute Bridge, so here is how to do it.

  • Sit on the ground with a loaded barbell over your legs (don’t go too heavy to start). You may want to add a pad to the bar as it can become quite uncomfortable. Roll the bar so it is directly above the hips then lie flat on the floor.
  • Now start by driving through the heels, extending your hips vertically through the bar. Your weight should be supported by your upper back rear delts and the heels of your feet.
  • SLOWLY extend as far as possible and squeeze that contraction hard at the top, then reverse the motion to return to the starting position. 

Remember you will activate more of the glutes at the top of the movement so no point going too heavy and just doing half reps!  Pay close attention to form and the mind muscle connection on this exercise.

Burn Baby Burn

Leg extensions: 2 warm-up sets with lighter weights ( 40 lbs. ) of 30 reps

Wide stance barbell squat: 95 lbs. – 6 sets of 8 reps

Seated leg curl: 70 lbs. –  4 sets of 8 reps, last set to failure

Single legged deadlift (foot on bench): 40 lbs. – 4 sets of 8 reps

Barbell Glute Bridge: 50 lbs. – 4 sets of 8 reps

Donkey calf raises:  Calf press on horizontal leg press machine: -110lbs. – 3 sets of 20 reps

Seated calf raises: 3 sets of 20 reps

3 responses to “Body Building – Legs/Glutes – Day 54

  1. I love this. I would only inject minor muscle building principles here and there. Muscle burns fat around the clock, so its good to have that incorporated. Besides that, I wouldn’t change a thing. This is easily a 5 star Gold workout.

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